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Wills & Power of Attorney Documents


A will is a legal document that maps at who will get your assets and when if you die. This is very important to have and portray clearly how you want your assets dispersed. It is your wishes on paper. This document is reviewed and enforced by the county court that you lived in proceeding your death. 

Senior Woman Writing With Pencil On Open Note Book — Johnson City, TN — Pectol & Miles

How do you write a will?

Writing a will and the process of doing so can be very tricky and confusing for those who are not familiar. That is why it is always a good idea to hire a lawyer for this. Miles Law Firm understands that this task is to not be taken lightly. We will not pressure you in preparing your assets in any way, we are only here to guide you and answer any questions you may have. 

Call us today at (423) 928-6106 if you have any questions!

Powers of Attorney

Having a Power of Attorney is very important. This legal document will allow someone to step in your shoes and act on your behalf if for some reason something has happened and you are unable to do so. This could be for a number of reasons. For example, if someone becomes ill and they are unable to make medical decisions this person will do so for them. 

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